Corporate Governance
Good governance including robust enterprise risk management is the cornerstone for the long-term success of commercial or non-commercial entities. In recent years, all entities have faced increased regulations and shareholders scrutiny with respect to governance and risk management. To face this challenge, all Boards and Management Teams need the right tools to navigate today’s volatile environment, along with practical policies and workable practices to meet the objectives of the long-term success of their organizations and satisfy regulatory demands. We assist Boards and their members to become more effective in overseeing their organization’s overall governance and make decisions with the acumen and insight that achieve long-term success. Our team of experts assist you in:
Developing, implementing, and transforming corporate governance
Board of Directors performance evaluation
Board of Directors handbook development
Developing, implementing, and transforming corporate governance
The Cognizers’ services in relation to developing and implementing corporate governance, under outsourcing and co-sourcing arrangements include:
Development of corporate governance framework
Charters of the board of directors and various board-level and management-level committees
Monitoring tools to achieve the objectives of the charters of the various committees
Terms of reference of board members and board secretary
Code of Ethics
Inclusion and diversity policy
Corporate social responsibility policy
Vision, mission, and value statements
Statement of shareholders’ rights
Dashboards for periodic governance reporting
Governance Calendar
Tools and checklists for the effective operation of the governance function
Related party and covered person policy
Guidelines for employees acting as Director of outside entities
For organizations that have existing corporate governance function and want to align it with leading practices, our governance transformation services will provide a one-stop solution by performing an as-is assessment of existing governance practices through benchmarking with local regulations and international leading practices, identifying areas of improvement, developing and agreeing recommendations, assigning maturity level, developing road map to achieve desired maturity level and implementing off-the-shelf and customized solutions to achieve desired maturity level.
Board of Directors performance evaluation
We provide an independent appraisal of the performance of the Board of Directors to provide comfort to the Board and the shareholders that the BOD is conducting its governance function efficiently and effectively and that each member of the Board is contributing to the best of his ability within the area of his expertise.
Board of Directors handbook development
This service includes developing an easy-to-use Board of Directors handbook, customized to align with applicable corporate governance regulations and provide step-by-step guidance to the Directors in performing their fiduciary duties and discharging their obligation towards shareholders and other stakeholders.